New This Week

Jane’s Beer Store Presents:

Almanac, farmers Reserve Blackberry. Wine Barrel aged sour blonde ale with Blackberries.

Almanac, Farmers Reserve Pluot. Wine Barrel aged sour blonde ale with Pluots.

Uinta, Crooked Line Birthday Suit. Every Anniversary this beer changes a bit and this times its a Sour Plum abbey Ale to honor their 22nd anniversary.

Petrus, Aged Red. This is a blend of 15% oak fermented sour ale and 85% double brown sour ale then blended with cherries. 8.5%

Petrus, Aged Pale. This is a oak aged sour pale ale aged in oak barrels for 24 months. 7.3%
St. Bernardus, Witbier. Possibly one of the most iconic Wit Beers. now available in both 4packs and 750mls.


Jane’s Beer Store
720 Villa Street, Mountain View, CA 94041

Monday - Wednesday 1pm-7pm | Thursday - Saturday 12pm-9pm | Sunday 12pm-6pm